Introducing BESTMIX® Identification: Ensuring Quality and Safety in Production 

In the world of manufacturing, particularly in industries where precision is paramount, such as premix companies, the integrity of your ingredients is non-negotiable.

The quality of your products hinges on the reliability of the raw materials you use. The last thing you want is to inadvertently mix the wrong ingredient or a subpar substitute into your recipe. Such a mistake could lead to product recalls, tarnished reputation, and, ultimately, financial losses.

This is where BESTMIX® Identification comes to the rescue, providing a fast and secure way to ensure that the right product goes into your production line. 

bestmix feed formulation

The Critical Importance of Ingredient Verification 

Imagine you've ordered a batch of crucial ingredients, like vitamin A, for your production. When the delivery arrives and you open the package, you want to be absolutely certain that the indistinguishable powder you're holding is indeed pure vitamin A, with no impurities or unwanted substances. Any doubts about the authenticity of your raw materials can have dire consequences, not only for your bottom line but also for your brand's reputation and customer trust. 

The Need for Insurance 

Given the high stakes and potential risks, it's clear that you need a safety net—an insurance policy, so to speak. You need a way to confirm the identity of your raw materials quickly and reliably. This is where BESTMIX® Identification comes into play. 

How Does Bestmix® Identification Work? 

BESTMIX® Identification offers a solution that guarantees the positive identification of raw materials during intake using Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy.

This technology combined with the cutting-edge software model embedded in BESTMIX® Identification allows for the rapid and precise analysis of your raw materials, ensuring that what you've received matches your specifications. 

Advantages of BESTMIX® Identification 


  1. Fast and Easy for All Operators: BESTMIX® Identification simplifies the verification process, making it accessible and user-friendly for all your team members. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer, the system is designed to be intuitive and straightforward. 

  1. Fast Implementation and Easy Maintenance: Implementing BESTMIX® Identification in your production process is a breeze, making it possible to start from the minute you unload your first load of incoming goods. Its user-friendly interface and efficient design make it easy to learn and get started. Maintenance is also hassle-free, allowing you to focus on your core operations. 

  1. Easy Calibration: One of the standout features of BESTMIX® Identification is its easy-to-perform calibration process. This ensures that your system remains accurate and reliable over time. Calibration is a critical part of obtaining and maintaining highly accurate quality control data, and BESTMIX Identification simplifies this task. 

  1. Health and Safety Focused Sampling Method: BESTMIX® Identification takes health and safety seriously. The system is designed to reduce contact with toxic materials, protecting the well-being of your workforce and maintaining a safer working environment. 

Learn More and Request a Free Demonstration 

Don't leave the quality and safety of your products to chance. BESTMIX® Identification offers a solution that is not only reliable but also efficient, ensuring that your reputation remains untarnished, and your profits continue to grow. To learn more about how BESTMIX® Identification can benefit your business, we encourage you to request a free demonstration. 

In an industry where precision is everything, Bestmix Identification is your trusted partner, safeguarding your products and your reputation. Don't compromise when it comes to quality—choose BM Identification for peace of mind and a brighter future for your business.