Embracing sustainability in feed production is no longer a choice but an imperative in shaping the path toward a resilient future. As the world navigates complex environmental challenges, the feed production industry stands at a crossroads, tasked with the responsibility of revolutionizing its practices. By adopting sustainable approaches, this industry can mitigate its ecological footprint, conserve vital resources, and contribute to a healthier planet. The nexus between responsible feed production and a thriving ecosystem cannot be overstated, as it impacts not only the industry's long-term viability but also aligns with global efforts to ensure food security, minimize waste, and safeguard biodiversity. Thus, as we move forward, integrating sustainability into feed production isn't merely a strategy – it's a moral obligation that resonates far beyond the confines of industry, echoing the broader call for harmonious coexistence with our environment.

Karel Vervaet, senior product specialist at Bestmix Software: ''We recognize the importance of sustainability as one of the game-changers in the animal feed sector and other nutrition industries for the coming years. This tool allows Bestmix users to include sustainability as a parameter in their formulations and rations. Extending insights and minimizing environmental impact by using the enhanced Bestmix allow the industry to grow jointly toward a more sustainable future''.


Sustainability has emerged as the prevailing buzzword in various industries. The time has come for the animal feed and livestock industries to be proactive, gather information, build analytics, and gain insights, all while securing your competitive position in the market.

Tradeshows, conferences, and magazines all highlight sustainability as the number one priority for the future. While regulations are yet to be fully defined and can vary significantly from one region to another, there is no doubt that sustainability will become a paramount concern.

Within the animal feed industry, many companies find themselves in a phase of exploration, seeking to shape their short and long-term strategies. Here are some invaluable insights to consider to navigate the path toward sustainable animal feed production.

Unlocking sustainability in feed formulation: How to maximise nutrition and minimise cost with an eco-friendly approach

Feed producers everywhere are striving to make their feeds as efficient, nutritious, and cost-effective as possible. But with the ever-increasing pressure to reduce environmental impact, feed formulation has become an even more complex process.

Fortunately, by strategically managing and optimizing feed formulation based on nutrition and cost while considering environmental impact, you can achieve these goals without sacrificing one for the other. In this article, we discuss how you can use a sustainable approach to unlock the potential of your feed formulation and deliver maximum nutritional value with minimum cost.

Bestmix software and BASF have joined forces to enhance feed formulations, aiming to provide essential insights into the ecological impact of feed production.

With these challenges in mind, BESTMIX software and BASF have partnered to optimise feed formulation and support more sustainable animal protein production. With this partnership and the resulting combination of both solutions, the need for in-depth consultancy studies, which are both expensive and time-consuming, no longer exists. Nutritionists and formulators themselves now have full control to make the best choices to reduce the environmental impact of their feeds and rations.

This is an excerpt from our article on Embracing sustainability: a necessity for the future in All About Feed Magazine


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